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Strategic managing in the management system of enterprises in the tourism and hospitality sectors

Journal: European Scientific e-Journal (Vol.33, No. 6)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ; ;

Page : 25-35

Keywords : potential threats or opportunities; early warning systems; changes in the external environment; flexible plans; dynamism; adaptability;

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The relevance of the research is because the sphere of operation of enterprises in the tourism and hospitality sectors is one of the most dynamic industries in the global economy. It is driven by their significant dependence on technological changes, economic conditions, political situations, and consumer preferences, considering the direct contact with the customer. Additional factors that enhance the dynamism of enterprises in the tourism and hospitality sectors include global challenges such as pandemics, climate change, and geopolitical conflicts. It is significant to note that, regardless of the specific nature of these challenges, each such shift or the intensificaion of an additional factor requires the management systems of enterprises to adapt existing strategies or develop fundamentally new management strategies. It has gradually led to a situation where, within the management system of enterprises in the tourism and hospitality sector, management strategy cannot be a static category but must be flexible and adaptive. The study's object is the content and processes of shaping the future as a fundamental feature of strategic management within the management system of enterprises in the tourism and hospitality sectors. The study aims to identify the features of strategic management within the management system of enterprises in the tourism and hospitality sectors. The authors used scientific abstraction, generalisation, and logical analysis to analyse strategic management systems in tourism and hospitality. The authors used the works of Ukrainian researchers G. Mashika, V. Zelich, A. Kizyun, V.O. Zhmudenko, L.G. Kovalenko, I.V. Chukina, L. Cherchyk, A. Lazhnik, etc. and foreign specialists M. Ekouaghe, A.T. Niyazbayeva, A.S. Yessengeldina, David B. Weaver, Ziyan Zhang and Zhe Yang. The results showed that these systems exhibit significant dynamism and adaptability, setting them apart from other sectors.

Last modified: 2024-12-09 19:37:24