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Condition and directions of hotel and restaurant industry’s development

Journal: European Scientific e-Journal (Vol.33, No. 6)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 54-60

Keywords : hospitality industry; hotel and restaurant industry; tourism; factors of development of hotel and restaurant industry; hotel product;

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The article is devoted to developing the hotel and restaurant industry in modern conditions. The role and significance of the hospitality industry in developing the country's economy and the region, the intensification of economic sectors, and the formation of interest in the country among foreign tourists are substantiated. The main problems faced by the hospitality industry during the pandemic and war are revealed. The change in the number of hotel enterprises from 2020 to 2022 is studied. Attention is focused on how the regional peculiarities of the hotel and restaurant industry have changed since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. The author examines the negative trends in the development of the hospitality industry in today's demanding conditions. The author considers the main factors that influence the formation and development of the hotel and restaurant industry. The study's object is trends in the development of the hotel and restaurant industry in modern conditions. The study aims to investigate the current state of the hotel and restaurant industry and formulate future directions for its development. Using analysis methods, generalisation, and abstraction made it possible to study and analyse the status and directions of development of the hotel and restaurant industry in modern conditions. The author outlines the main development directions of the hotel and restaurant industry. The study of the current state and formation of promising development directions of the hotel and restaurant industry is especially relevant in the country's post-war reconstruction process.

Last modified: 2024-12-09 20:02:37