Performance Enhancement of Intrusion Detection System Using Advance Adaptive EAACK for MANETs
Journal: International Journal of Computational Engineering Research(IJCER) (Vol.6, No. 6)Publication Date: 2016-06-30
Authors : Shraddha Kamble; Dr.B.K Mishra; Dr.Rajesh Bansode;
Page : 16-20
Keywords : Adaptive acknowledgment (AACK); Dynamic source routing (DSR); Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA); EAACK (Enhanced Adaptive Acknowledgment); Misbehavior Report Analysis (MRA); MANETS (Mobile Ad-hoc Networks); IDS (Intrusion detection system);
Mobile Ad hoc networks (MANETs) consist of a set of mobile nodes which can move about freely and are very sensitive to security threats due to their nature of deployment such as open wireless system. MANETs have self-configuring ability of nodes and infrastructure less nature hence they are preferred in significant applications. This itself emphasizes the importance of security and the need for an efficient intrusion detection system in MANETs. Many IDS have been proposed for detecting malicious nodes. On such different IDS, Enhanced Adaptive Acknowledgment (EAACK) has overcome the drawbacks of Watchdog, ACK and TWOACK. In our proposed work we have identified the inadequate nature of EAACK in scenarios of link breakage, source maliciousness. High mobility of MANET nodes contributes to frequent link breakages in the network which leads to path failures and route discovery processes difficult. Route discovery is initialized through broadcast mechanism usually. In this paper a new intrusion detection system is proposed named Advance EAACK particularly designed for MANETs. Compared to modern approaches, advance EAACK demonstrates higher malicious behavior detection rates in certain conditions while does not affect the network performance greatly. Due to this mechanism data transformation between mobile nodes are done with improved or high security .Parameters going to measure network performance are packet delivery ratio and delay
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Last modified: 2016-09-17 17:54:32