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Journal: Scientia fructuosa (Vol.100, No. 2)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 5-15

Keywords : tourism; tourist flows; travel agencies; tour operators; accommodation; recreation and health establishment.;

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Background. Despite the significant tourism and recreational potential development of world famous hotel chains, the latest innovative technologies for people engaged in tourism, tourism is not one of the leading sectors of the national economy. Ukraine's place as a tourist destination on the world stage is negligible. This shows that the international market of national tourism product is estimated to be less competitive and attractive; weakened state's role in ensuring its development; the lack of an effective system of rights and interests of tourists; underdeveloped tourism infrastructure; lack of quality and price of services provided by enterprises of tourist business with European and international quality standards; lack of favorable investment policy in the tourism sector. Current trends are not only the above-mentioned problems, but also the current political and economic instability in the country; decline in investment; exchange rate volatility; higher prices for tourist services; significant reduction in the number of bookings of travel services; decrease in the solvency of the population; inefficiency mechanism security of tourists; insufficient supply of highly qualified tourism industry (in 2013 the number of tour operators staff was about 6.7 thousand people, of which only 3 thousand had higher education profile that is only 46%); expansion of the Crimea; hostilities in the east. The aim of the study is to evaluate the trends of tourism determinants impact on tourist flows and justification of the need to solve problems that hinder the promotion of domestic tourism in the international market. Materials and methods. Set of the following scientific methods served as a basis of the study: generalization, comparative analysis, statistical, analysis and synthesis, that generally has revealed the contradictions of tourism development in difficult socio-economic conditions, defined and justified the current trends, analyzed the dynamics of the domestic tourism market, assessed key issues and outlined prospects. Works of Ukrainian and foreign scientists, statistical data and Internet sources were the information base for the study. Results. The article has revealed the contradictions of tourism development in difficult socio-economic conditions, defined and justified modern trends. Based on the data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine the dynamics of the domestic tourism market has been analyzed, key issues have been identified and the prospects have been outlined. The dependence of tourist flows from the activities of hotel facilities and health centers and health institutions has been identified. The influence of the results of their work on the development of domestic tourism has been defined. The basic directions of domestic tourist product on the international market have been studied. Conclusion. Hence, after signing an Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union it is necessary to reform the tourism industry through: harmonization of legislation with EU standards and EU Member States; standards development of training in tourism and standards for the provision of tourism services; association of tourism enterprises in the franchise network; joint actions of tourism and public authorities, regional authorities, local authorities and Ukraine to promote its tourism opportunities in the international market; ensure political and economic stability.

Last modified: 2016-10-26 18:13:49