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Journal: Scientia fructuosa (Vol.103, No. 5)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 39-53

Keywords : globalization; European integration; global economy.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Foreword. Formation of modern Ukraine during last years was strongly influenced by the idea of European integration. Striving for full participation in political and economic life of Europe logically caused geopolitical location and history of our country. European integration, declared as the strategic direction of our country, is not only the foreign economic vector, but the main values for the entire Ukrainian society. The purpose of an article is to analyze the current state of relations between Ukraine and the European Union and, on its basis, the correction of Ukraine's position on the European integration prospects. Materials and methods. Fundamentals of economic theory and works of domestic and foreign economic scientist in the domain of international foreign relations and integration constituted the methodological and theoretical base of the study. The following dialectic and scientific methods of cognition were applied in the research: theoretic generalization, analysis and synthesis, method of statistic analysis, index method, method of comparison and statistic analysis. Results. The article reveals the essence and necessity of European integration, and highlights the basic stages of approximation of Ukraine to the EU. The economic attractiveness of Ukraine joining is grounded. A retrospective analysis of the relationship of the independent Ukraine with the European Union is made, the steps of real rapprochement between Ukraine and the European Union are analyzed. Proved that integration with the EU is a strategic direction of development of Ukraine. The positive and negative effects of European integration on the development of the state are analyzed and the main directions of reform are defined. The basic economic indicators of the country are analyzed. The unsolved problems towards the integration from Ukrainian and the EU side are outlined. Indicated that the most important component of European integration for Ukraine at present is a real progress in implementing reforms and modernization, creation of conditions of favorable environment for successful business and enterprise according to European standards. Conclusion. So, European integration and the accession to the EU is a strategic goal of our country, as this is the best opportunity of realization of the national interests and strengthening of the position in the global system of international relations. Towards the integration of Ukraine into the EU a lot of steps are made, but as the research showed, the problem of internal and external factors make it impossible to become fast a full member of this association. The study of the problem showed that Ukraine does not meet the criteria of convergence, indicators of economic and social development are not reassuring. The study showed the fact that the success of European integration is also controversial, the EU is undergoing the number of problems of integration character. Thus, for realization the planned the experience of other countries in European integration and the best entry models to implement in national practice should be analyzed. The most important component of European integration is the real progress in implementing of reforms and modernization, creation of conditions of favorable environment for successful business and enterprises according to the European standards. The obtained results regarding the integration of Ukraine into the EU and the dynamic development of global economic processes and lack of effectiveness of the public administration in terms of European integration determine the necessity in further research of this issue.

Last modified: 2016-10-26 21:20:09