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Journal: Scientia fructuosa (Vol.96, No. 4)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 20-32

Keywords : Migration; labour migrants; money transfer; human capital; human potential.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Background.The proposed scientific article is devoted to the actual problems of migration as a carrier of human potential. Consideration of this process is based on the definition of the economic and social consequences for countries of origin and destination. The researches of national scientists focus on determining the costs and benefits of migration to the economy. However, despite the dynamics of migration processes, there is an urgent task of studying the consequences of migration for economic development of origin and destination countries that forms the basis of research objective. Results.Estimates of the value of migration for social development are ambiguous, because migration is characterized both by positive effects, including: reallocation of labor resources of the planet, leveling the economic development, overcoming differences in living standards in different countries, implementation of migrant remittances to countries of origin for household consumption and investment, approximation and mutual interpenetration of cultures, etc. and by negative: changing reproductive behavior of migrants, weakening and breaking family ties, distributing dependency mood among family members of migrant workers, the loss of skilled workers and intellectual potential, deskilling of specialists, assimilation and loss of ethnic signs of cultural identity, lack of social protection of migrants, discrimination, xenophobia, increased illegal immigration, forced labor and trafficking. Conclusion.Thus, it should be noted that the development of migration policy and planning of various development strategies must take into account the general migration challenges, as well as national, religious, local conditions in each country.

Last modified: 2016-10-26 22:30:49