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Journal: Scientia fructuosa (Vol.97, No. 5)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 5-14

Keywords : quality; quality communication; quality training; quality reporting.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Background. This paper provides data analysis of the international modern quality problems studio in which the author also took part. The obtained result is compared with the author's research data. The aim of the article is to summarize and present benchmarking factors and problems of activity in the field of quality in organizations around the world, as well as to present the author's research in this area. Materials and methods. This article was prepared using the methods of scientific literature, logical analysis, benchmarking survey of organizations and businesses, using the methodology of "case" and audit activities of the enterprises. Results. Particular attention is paid to the importance of the role of quality in today's enterprises, especially the exchange of information about the quality and quality reporting, specificity and scope of teaching quality in enterprises of different countries, a variety of incentives to employees for the initiatives and innovations in the field of quality and others. Conclusion. The article explains the importance of education of society in the field of quality, environment and social responsibility, formulates new aspects of the values and mission of the modern university. The article has also stated directions in the field of quality activities that require further and more in-depth scientific study of the system.

Last modified: 2016-10-26 22:52:03