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Journal: Scientia fructuosa (Vol.96, No. 4)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 67-78

Keywords : risk; uncertainty; tour operator; control.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Background.Research is dedicated to analytical procurement of risk control process as a factor that can ensure the quality of its implementation by tour operator. Review of scientific sources. Analysis of scientific views shows, that despite the significant research related to problems of risk oriented internal control, there is a lack of researches devoted to the risks as control object. The purpose of this paper is to present the analytical procedures of risk assessments as part of the analytical procurement of risk control process during the tourist product's formation. Results.The role of analytical procurement within the risk control methods is considered. Paper deals with the feasibility and shows the process of using the games theory, namely the Bayes criterion, for the satisfaction of informational needs of tour operator within identifying the risks of making wrong decisions related to the output of travel products. The impact of specifics risk as an object of internal control of tour operator on the determination of control methods is significant. The use of economic analysis methodical receptions within the internal control (modern manifestation of which is the risk-control), is a necessary precondition ensuring its effectiveness. The use of games theory (which aim is to maximize gains or minimize loss if the player makes a decision due to the uncertainty and a result of the chosen strategy depends on all of participants of the game), as a part of the analytical procurement risk control process during tourism product formation, will increase the effectiveness of management decisions. Conclusion.Calculations based on the Bayes criterion within risk control methods will allow to predict the demand for tourism products and will promote the efficiency of decision-making. Because risks associated with a lack of demand for tourism products is an extremely important factor can negatively affect the results of the tour operator and even lead to its bankruptcy.

Last modified: 2016-10-26 22:39:55