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Journal: Scientia fructuosa (Vol.97, No. 5)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 42-51

Keywords : analysis; marketing; efficiency evaluation; indices; methods; marketing expenses.;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Background. In order to obtain the objective marketing performance data, with further decision-making outcomes, it is strongly recommended to conduct analysis of marketing performance efficiency of an enterprise. That is why the development of theoretical, scientific and methodological basis of the analysis of marketing performance efficiency of an enterprise is necessary; it justifies the significance of the study. Review of scientific resources shows, that currently there is no unified approach and relevant methodologies that might be applicable while evaluating marketing efficiency in a whole, as well as its separate structural elements. Taking into consideration uncontestable importance of marketing in enterprise performance, we have set up the objective, aiming at developing theoretical, scientific and methodological basis for improvement of marketing performance efficiency of enterprise. Research results. Application of the methods, used to develop economic and mathematic models, allows to come closer to the evaluation of marketing performance efficiency of enterprise and its feasibility. That is why we are persuaded that within conduct of efficiency analysis of certain marketing approaches as well as marketing activity in general, it is crucial to apply economic and mathematic methods and models. The analysis of marketing performance efficiency of enterprise should be conducted in terms of evaluation: efficiency of marketing performance expenses, marketing activity in terms of marketing activity functions and general criteria, efficiency of non-economic indices. Conclusion. Thus, conducted analysis of efficiency, based on main approaches of marketing evaluation, applying economic and mathematic methods and models with well determined algorithm, will allow to organize efficient marketing on enterprise, evaluate achieved final results of marketing performance, as well as make significant management solutions regarding marketing events in general.

Last modified: 2016-10-26 23:00:27