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Journal: Scientia fructuosa (Vol.91, No. 5)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 5-18

Keywords : sanatorium resort and health enterprises; service management concept; subject and object of management concept; service needs; service management principles.;

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Background. The offered research is devoted to the presentation of basic scientific and methodological notions of service concept of functioning and development of sanatorium resort and health enterprises. Review of scientific sources. Analysis of scientific views shows that to date there is no single approach to determine the nature and content of the basic elements of the concept of service management of sanatorium resort and health enterprises. The purpose of this paper is to describe the main scientific and methodological notions of functioning and development of sanatorium resort and health enterprises. Results. In the article the scientific and methodological basis for service management concepts of sanatorium resort and health enterprises has been developed, the subject and object of management concepts have been determined and its main structural components, namely: the main goal, objectives, principles and methodological basis have been described. The subject of service management is managers who directly form the service strategy of the enterprise and determine the policies and procedures of service of the company, contact staff that directly service holidaymakers, staff of other divisions that may be involved directly or indirectly in the provision of sanatorium, health and resort services. The object of management service is personalized service needs of vacationers of sanatorium resort and health enterprises. The objective of service management is to meet the personalized service needs and interests of vacationers and personnel, the establishment of effective service activities, promotion of the highest possible economic and social benefits of sanatorium resort and health enterprises. Following specific principles of service management have been determined: orientation to service the needs of vacationers by establishing long-term relationships based on bilateral transaction terms, the principle of prevailing focus on quality of service, the principle of feasibility basis of service satisfaction, which includes orientation to form a service- oriented segmentation, the principle of co-evolution service interaction, the principle of holism . It has been offered to use principles and tools of system, process and situational approaches as a research methodology for concepts of management service of sanatorium resort and health enterprises. Conclusion. Structural component of implementing the service concept in the management of sanatorium resort and health enterprises is its applied value, based on an instrumental component of the methodology. A closer look of methods that are instrumental component of the concept of "service management", is a scientific objective of further research.

Last modified: 2016-10-27 20:02:04