Archived Papers for Proceeding
Third International Conference on Informatics Engineering and Information Science (ICIEIS2014) (ICIEIS)
Publisher: The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC)
Editors: Prof. Jacek Stando
ISBN: 978-0-9891305-8-5
Date: 2014-09-22 - 2014-09-24
Conference Venue:
Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland
Proceeding URL:
- SPASS: A Scientific Paper Writing Support SystemAuthors: Michal Ptaszynski;Fumito Masui
- Succinct Role Based Access Control Policies for XML DocumentsAuthors: Tomasz Muldner; Scott Durno; Jan Krzysztof Miziolek;Tyler Corbin
- Design of a Platform for the Integrated Project Application ProcessAuthors: Heeseok Choi; Heejun Han; Yunjeong Kim;Jaesoo Kim
- Detection of User Interesting Fields and Personalization of Search Results using User Search History InformationAuthors: Heejun Han; Heeseok Choi;Jaesoo Kim
- Lexicon-Based Sentiment Analysis Using SAP HANAAuthors: Karl Kurbel; Dawid Nowak; Florian Jatzold;Pavlo Glushko
- Towards a Business Intelligence CloudAuthors: Oliver Norkus;H.-Jürgen Appelrath
- Identifying Software Metrics Thresholds for Safety Critical SystemAuthors: Stepan Cais;Petr Picha
- A Bicriteria Clustering Approach for Collaborative FilteringAuthors: Emin T. Demirkiran; Ahmet M. Turk;Cihan Kaleli
- Improving the Classifier CBA with an Additional Pruning MethodAuthors: Juan Dominguez; Jacinto Mata;Victoria Pachon
- Detecting Some Limits of Formal OntologiesAuthors: Ivan Ryant
- Indoor Positioning Using Ultrasound and Radio CombinationAuthors: Gintautas Salcius; Evaldas Povilaitis;Algimantas Tacilauskas
- Rendezvous Based Routing in Opportunistic NetworksAuthors: Jiradett Kerdsri;Komwut Wipusitwarkun
- Intermediary Service for Electronic Material Retrieval from LibrariesAuthors: Danijela Tesendic;Danijela Boberic Krsticev
- Integrating Animation into Informal Specification Writing for Requirements AnalysisAuthors: Shaoying Liu; Fauziah binti Zainuddin;Mo Li
- Modeling Reactive Systems Using Cooperating Adaptive DevicesAuthors: Jose Maria Novaes dos Santos;Joao Jose Neto
- Framework for Evaluating the Usability of Mobile Educational Applications for ChildrenAuthors: Rabail Tahir;Fahim Arif
- Issues and Challenges of Secure Policy Specification LanguagesAuthors: Sailaja Arsi; Venkata Narasimha Inukollu;Joseph Urban
- An Agent Based Formal Specification Language ProcessorAuthors: Vinitha Hannah Subburaj;Joseph Urban
- The Use of the Semantic Approach to the Organization of Banking Information Systems on an Example of LendingAuthors: Anastasia Kaida;Anton Chernii
- Analysis of High Frequency Interferences at Wireless Communication AntennasAuthors: Mehdi Bahadorzadeh;Hossein Bolandpour
- Insider Threats for File Sharing: Characterising File Sharing and its ProtectionAuthors: Rakan Alsowail;Ian Mackie
- Architecture of Context-Risk-Aware Authentication System for Web EnvironmentsAuthors: Adam Hurkala;Jaroslaw Hurkala
- Comparative User Experience Analysis of PC Gaming and Cloud GamingAuthors: Leszek Szmelich;Jacek Chmielewski
- The MEDiATE Approach for the collaboration of Heterogeneous Elderly Platforms: First ResultsAuthors: Wassila Aggoune-Mtalaa; Damien Nicolas; Younes Djaghloul; Djamel Khadraoui; Hedi Ayed; Stefan Søndergård;Serge Smidtas
- The MERIT Middleware: A Platform for Interoperable RFID-based Systems for Access Control and Monitoring in Marine TransportationsAuthors: Christos Koulamas
- Solution of the Mastermind with an Unlimited Number of Lies as a First Step to Detective Reasoning ModellingAuthors: Jose Barahona da Fonseca
- A Conceptual Model of E-Learning Readiness: The Case of The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in JordanAuthors: Fadi Shahroury
- Integrating a Chatting Tool into a Learning Management SystemAuthors: Emily Bagarukayo; Violah Mpangwire;Billy Mathias Kalema
- Leveraging E-learning to Optimize E-health Usage in Low- and Middle-income CountriesAuthors: Modiegi R. Phalane;Billy M. Kalema
- Application of Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition By Wavelet TransformAuthors: Seyyed Ehsan Razavi; Mehdi Bahadorzadeh;Hossein Bolandpour
- A Review of Organisational Benefits Through the Use of Enterprise Content Management (ECM) System in Public Sector OrganisationsAuthors: Lumka Thami P Salamntu;Lisa F Seymour
- On the Automatic Categorization of Arabic Articles Based on Their Political OrientationAuthors: Raddad Abooraig; Ahmed Alwajeeh; Mahmoud Al-Ayyoub;Ismail Hmeidi
- Localization of Coronary Artery Thrombosis Using Coronary AngiographyAuthors: Ala'a Oqaily; Mohammad I. Jarrah; Huda Karajeh; Mahmoud Al-Ayyoub;Ismail Hmeidi