Archived Papers for Proceeding
Third International Conference on E-Technologies and Business on the Web (EBW)
Publisher: Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC)
Editors: Jean-Marc Lehu
ISBN: 978-1-941968-08-6
Date: 2015-03-26 - 2015-03-28
Conference Venue:
Paris, France
- Comments Analysis and Visualization Based on Topic Modeling and Topic Phrase MiningAuthors: David Ramamonjisoa, Riki Murakami, Basabi Chakraborty
- Using Lift as a Practical Measure of Surprise in a Document StreamAuthors: Sean Rooney
- Determinants of Delays in Realization of Information System Projects: a Mixed Method Approach within a Cameroonian BankingAuthors: Jean Robert Kala Kamdjoug, Maxime Ngate Motcheka
- The Influence of Consumer Reviews on Consumers' Attitudes: The Moderating Roles of Price and Product KnowledgeAuthors: Heng-Hui Wu, I-Ping Chiang
- Challenges of Interaction in Online Teaching: A Case StudyAuthors: Tom Drange, Iain Sutherland, Alastair Irons
- A Model of Mobile Work Continuance of Knowledge Workers: Evidences from ChinaAuthors: Leida Chen
- A New Framework for the Usability of using E-Commerce over Smart Mobile Phone'sAuthors: Radwan Abujassar, Firas Albalas
- Message Perception within Context-Aware Recommender SystemsAuthors: Mark Hooper, Paul Sant
- The Influence of Environment Contexts on Purchase-Decision InvolvementAuthors: Mark Hooper, Paul Sant
- An Approach Based on Data Mining to Support Management in E-CommerceAuthors: Vitor Campos, Carlos Bueno, Jacques Brancher, Fabio Matsunaga, Rafael Negrao
- Assessing the Value of Social Network Sites' AdvertisementsAuthors: Hossam Deraz, Gabriel Baffour Awuah, Desalegn Abraha Gebrekidan
- An Approach to Show and Repeat the Winner's Curse in Game Theory: The Cascade Effect in a Private Value Environment of B2B Auctions via the Beer Distribution GameAuthors: Walter Demmelhuber, Patrick Cato
- Evaluation of Legal Limitations regarding the Mobility of Digital Media in the European UnionAuthors: Walter Demmelhuber, Patrick Cato
- SOA Based Design for Migrating Legacy Applications into Multi-Tenant ServicesAuthors: Sidhant Rajam
- Dream Perception in the Luxury Industry: Internet, Vector of Democratization or Disenchantment? An Exploratory StudyAuthors: Amelie El Ghoul, Benjamin Hayes, Anastasia Leprince, Benjamin Mariotte, Francoise Passerard, Alexandra Pinard
- Online Social Networks as a Terror Management Mechanism: The Effect of Death Anxiety on Facebook UseAuthors: Judith Partouche-Sebban
- Does Surfingtelling Change the Attitude toward a Brand?Authors: Xavier Menaud, Claire Camille Garcia
- Tweens and Internet: Role of Digital in the Information Process. The Case of Feature Film ReleasesAuthors: Olivier Auba, Xavier Menaud
- Social Media and its Influence on Propensity to ConsumeAuthors: Dhruv Bhatli, Chiraz Aouina-Mejri
- Proposal of Multi View ProgrammingAuthors: Eigo Ito, Takayuki Fujimoto