Archived Papers for Proceeding
The Second International Conference on Digital Information Processing, Data Mining, and Wireless Communications (DIPDMWC2015)
Publisher: The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC)
Editors: Mohammad V. Malakooti
ISBN: 978-1-941968-26-0
Date: 2015-12-16 - 2015-12-18
Conference Venue:
Dubai, UAE - United Arab Emirates
- On Definition of Automatic Text SummarizationAuthors: Pashutan Modaresi;Stefan Conrad
- Brain - Computer Interface for Communication via Record Electrophysiological SignalsAuthors: Svetla Radeva;Dimitar Radev
- Identification and Evaluation of Keyphrases: Fuzzy Set based Scoring and Turing Test Inspired EvaluationAuthors: Pashutan Modaresi;Stefan Conrad
- Sentiment Analysis of Social Media for Evaluating UniversitiesAuthors: Anas Abdelrazeq;Daniela Janssen;Christian Tummel;Sabina Jeschke;Anja Richert
- A 3-Dimensional Object Recognition Method Using Relationship of Distances and Angles in Feature PointsAuthors: Seiichi Maehara;Kazuo Ikeshiro;Hiroki Imamura
- Disparity Map Estimation usisng Local Gabor Wavelet under Radiometric ChangesAuthors: Malathi. T.;M. K. Bhuyan;C. Asokan;Y. Iwahori
- Development of an Intuitive Data Transfer Application for 3D Video Communication System in Synchronized AR SpaceAuthors: Yuki Fujibayashi;Hiroki Imamura
- Predictive Analytics of Student Graduation Using Logistic Regression and Decision Tree AlgorithmAuthors: Ace Lagman;Shaneth Ambat
- Increasing the Target Prediction Accuracy of MicroRNA Based on Combination of Prediction AlgorithmsAuthors: Mohammed Q. Shatnawi;Mohammad S. Alhammouri;Kholoud Mahmoud Mukdadi
- A Question Answering System being able to Infer based on Definition and Acquire of Knowledge in English Text of the Written LanguageAuthors: Kenta Hiratsuka
- Effectiveness of Scientific Methods in Detecting Phishing Websites in JordanAuthors: Qusai Abuein
- Abstraction Method of Words Based on Relationships between Subjects, Objects and PredicatesAuthors: Marina Naito
- Extraction of Causalities and Rules Involved in Wear of Machinery from Lubricating Oil Analysis DataAuthors: Daisuke Ide;Atsushi Ruike;Masaomi Kimura
- Graph-type Classification Based on Artificial Neural Networks and Wavelet CoefficientsAuthors: Sarunya Kanjanawattana;Masaomi Kimura
- Efficient Adaptive Tree-based Protocol for Wireless Sensor NetworksAuthors: Khaled Mousa;Amr Elsaadany
- ‘Fuzzy’ vs ‘Non-Fuzzy’ Classification in Big DataAuthors: Malak EL-Bakry;Soha Safwat;Osman Hegazy
- Adopting Games Development and Visual Curriculum Design (VCD) Framework for Connected eLearningAuthors: Hock Chuan Lim
- The Effect of Information Systems in the Information Security in Medical Organization of ShaharekordAuthors: Leila Rahmani Samani;Mohmmadreza Soltanaghaei
- Clinical Prediction of Teeth Periapical Lesion based on Machine Learning TechniquesAuthors: Yasmine Eid Mahmoud;Soha Safwat Labib;Hoda M. O. Mokhtar
- Voice Communications over WLAN on Campus: A SurveyAuthors: Munira A. AlShebel;Amal S. Alamr;Amjaad H. Alshammari
- Provide a Hybrid Approach to Manage Packets Motion in Order to Congestion Control in MANETAuthors: Elahe Pourmazaherian;Mohammad Reza Soltan Aghaei
- Improvement of Load Distribution and Prevention of Congestion in Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks Using Classification and Swarm IntelligenceAuthors: Somaye Mobini;Mohammad Reza Soltan Aghaei
- EDA as a Discriminate Feature in Computation of Mental StressAuthors: Khalid Masood
- A New Approach to Simulate Operation Rooms based on Medical Devices used in Surgical ProceduresAuthors: Sana Ghobadi;Arash Taki;Mohammad Aziz Esmaeili
- Platforms for Use Integrated Resources Formative Processes in E-learningAuthors: Pasquina Campanella
- Learning Management Systems: A Comparative Analysis of Open-Source and Proprietary PlatformsAuthors: Pasquina Campanella
- A Comparative Assessment of e-Learning PlatformsAuthors: Pasquina Campanella