Archived Papers for Proceeding
The Fifth International Conference on E-Learning and E-Technologies in Education (ICEEE2016)
Publisher: The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC)
Editors: Andy Seddon
ISBN: 978-1-941968-37-6
Date: 2016-09-06 - 2016-09-08
Conference Venue:
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Explorations in Learning Management System AdoptionAuthors: Qian Liu, Susan Geertshuis
- Reaching the Unreached through Blended Learning: A Case Study from the Maldives National UniversityAuthors: Ramiz Ali
- Exploring Blended Learning for Professional Development of Teachers: The Experience of Two Singaporean Chinese Language TeachersAuthors: Yan-Ni Tan, Yuh-Huann Tan
- Performance Evaluation for Higher Educational Institutions within Data Envelopment AnalysisAuthors: Qutaibah Althebyan, Hassan Najadat and Bushra Za'areer
- Nationality Based Context-Aware Scenario of Cultural Heritage Guidance as Informal LearningAuthors: Abdul Kadir Jailani, Keijiro Araki and Shigeru Kusakabe
- The Concept of Self-Adaptive Integrated Web Based Learning Environment for STEMAuthors: Akira Nakamura, Tomoshige Kudo and Keita Nishioka
- Youth Behaviors Toward Social Networking Service (SNS) and its Effect on their Learning Environment as Study Tool ? A Case Study of Nepalese Youth in JapanAuthors: Thapa Sakhila
- A Scheme of Resource Discovery in Reproductive Design EducationAuthors: Yoshiro Imai, Masatoshi Imai
- Exploration of New Methods of Ideological and Political Education for College Students: Integration of New Media and Construction of Micro-environmentAuthors: Yang Wucheng, Cheng Ling and Liu Fan
- A Secure Paperless Assessment Software QuestionMark PerceptionAuthors: Ayyub Ali Patel