Archived Papers for Journal
I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald >>
Vol.3, No.12
Publisher: Ryazan State Medical University
Publishing Date: 2001-04-15
- Morphologic characteristic of structural stump elements of ischiatic nerve after laser neurotomy in extremity amputationAuthors: Khubutiya B.I.; Gerebiatieva S.R; Uhov Y.I.
- Evaluation of the clinical effectivenessand immunomoduating effect of cutaneous helium-neon laser irradiation of blood in treating newborn children with suppuratioe inflamationAuthors: Nikitov V.N.; Gausman B.Y.; Novikov A.V.; Galkina T.M.
- Laser therapy in complex treatment of infants with endogenous intoxication on the background of suppurativeinflamatory diseasesAuthors: Nikitov V.N.; Dmitriyeva N.V.; Udovichenko S.A.
- The application of laser therapy in the combined treatment of patients with pulmonary tuberculosisAuthors: Dobin V.L.; Savkin A.P.; Churrhaev V.D.
- Laser therapy in a complex treatment of patients with gastroduodenal ulcerAuthors: Lunjakov A.S.; Dunjazina N.M.; Alebastrov A.P.; Butov M.A.; Verderevskaja G.P.; Razzihvina E.G.
- Disorders of psychovegetative state and infectious factor in patients with gastroduodenal ulcerAuthors: Butov M.A.; Lunyakov A.S.; Astrahancev A.F.
- Comparative estimation of efficiency and selection of an individual doze at realization on-skin and intravenous laser therapy at the patients with asthmaAuthors: Rackita D.R.; Papkov S.V.; Garmash V.Y.
- Changes of metrics of the hormonal thyroid profile and humoral immunity for ill by autoimmune thyroiditis at an exposure liens of low intensive laser radiationAuthors: Trushin S.N.; Semenkin R.V.
- Features of regulation of the free radical peroxide oxidation of lipids at the patients with a chronic bronchitis and its correction by intravenous laser irradiation of bloodAuthors: Rackita D.R.; Ushmarov A.K.; Garmash V.Ya.
- Clinical appreciation of using plazmaferez combined with itravascular lazer irradiation of blood for treating critical degrees of diabetic angiopastic ischemia of lower extremitiesAuthors: Seliverstov D.V.; Gausman B.J.; Puchkov K.V.; Afanasjev V.Ph.; Morozova V.I.; Djachuk V.K.
- The variation of correlation basic ions of blood of coronary heart disease patients with progressive angina pectoris after influence of low powered laser emanationAuthors: Larionov V.A.; Liferov R.A.; Girivenko A.I.; Kruchkova N.G.; Shitova I.G.
- Natural sources of population's radiation: doses and riskAuthors: Lyapkalo A.A.; Bubnov D.N.; Kutchumov V.V.
- Some structural and functional characteristics of child's white splenic pulpAuthors: Motalov V.G.
- The influention of He-Ne laser radiation of posttraumatic regeneration of sceleton muscleAuthors: Plaksina L.N.; Uhov Yu.I.
- A possible role of progestins in fibroids growth stimulationAuthors: Sidorova I.S.; Repin A.B.; Ryzhova O.V.
- To the question of increasing resistance to the unfavourble factors of the environmentAuthors: Logunova L.V.
- Hygienic assessment of close-related irradiation factors in population living in the territory polluted as result of the explosion at the Chernobyl atomic power stationAuthors: Cherednikova V.I.; Kirushin V.A.; Panin V.F.; Akopova N.A.
- The influence of laser and ultrafialyetvay irradiation on erythrocyte of ratsAuthors: Pustovalov A.P.; Petrov V.K.
- The influence of laser irradiation on outflow of potassium and hemoglobin through erythrocyteAuthors: Pustovalov A.P.; Petrov V.K.
- The use of reflex therapy in surgeryAuthors: Lichagina M.G.; Epishin N.M.; Lovchev Ju.A.
- Laser surgery of eye diseasesAuthors: Kolesnikova M.A.
- The intravasculare lazerotherapeutic at the patients with atopic dermatitis and eczemaAuthors: Isakov S.A.
- The immunological status at the patients with psoriasis in acute periodAuthors: Isakov S.A.
- The change of microanatomy of thymus of mice under the influence of dry ectract from sprouts of five - leaf bush in conditions of azathioprin immunosuppressionAuthors: Sapin M.P.; Khobrakova V.B.; Kaktursry L.V.; Grigorenko D.J.; Yerofeeva L.M.; Nikolaev S.M.; Ghamsaranova S.D.; Nikolaeva I.G.
- Experimental of the new methods of nerve stamp laser treatmentAuthors: Khubutiya B.I.; Gerebiatieva S.R.; Uhov Yu.I.
- Morphological aspects of new method cranioplastics with low-intensity laser radiationAuthors: Khubutiya B.I.; Papkov V.G.; Lazutina G.S.; Runkov V.P.; Ovchinnikova N.V.
- Laserotherapy, how new method treatment of the thyreoiditis de KervenaAuthors: Aristarkhov V.G.; Aristarkhov R.V.
- Peculiarities of treating patients with duodenal ulcers by magnetopuncture with alternating magnetic fieldAuthors: Kravtsova T.Ju.
- About question of carnitine in regulation of changes processes in cell: modern asrectAuthors: Kremenezkaya T.V.; Stroev Ye.A.; Makarova V.G.; Peskov D.D.