Archived Papers for Journal
IEEE Technology and Engineering Education (ITEE) >>
Vol.7, No.3
Publisher: IEEE Education Society Student Activities Committee
Publishing Date: 2012-09-01
- Mining Text from Student-System Interactions to Recommend Blogs and PapersAuthors: Jean Melo; Rafael Ferreira; Evandro Costa; Patrick Brito; João Pedro Pontes; Fred Freitas
- Towards Ontological Profiles in Communities of PracticeAuthors: Tiago Thompsen Primo, João Luís Tavares da Silva, Alexandre Moretto Ribeiro, Elisa Boff, Rosa Maria Vicari
- BROAD Project: Semantic Search and Application of Learning ObjectsAuthors: Thiago Nery Teixeira, Fernanda Campos, Regina Braga, Neide Santos, Ely Mattos
- Using Concept Maps and Ontology Alignment for Learning AssessmentAuthors: Alex Alves Silva, Natalia Fonseca Padilha, Sean Wolfgand Matsui Siqueira, Kate Cerqueira Revoredo, Fernanda Araujo Baião
- Semantic Recommendation of Bibliographical References: an Experience with Master Science’s Degree StudentsAuthors: Fernando Pinhati, Gustavo Tavares Fernandes, Ronaldo Goldbach, Sean Siqueira
- A Semantic Tool to Assist Authors in the Instantiation of Software Product Lines for Intelligent Tutoring Systems ContextAuthors: Walker Araújo Ataide, Patrick Henrique Brito, Alan Pedro Silva, Evandro Costa, Ig Ibert Bittencourt, Thyago Tenório