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Russian Psychological Journal >>
Vol.12, No.4
Publisher: Russian Psychological Society
Publishing Date: 2015-12-28
- Psychological Features of Aggressiveness and Hostility of Youth of the South of Russia (on the Example of Russian and Karachay Girls)Authors: Kovsh E. M.; Skirtach I. A.; Bunyaeva M. V.
- Features of Characteristics and Meaning-Sense Motives of Self-Realization of the Student’s YouthAuthors: Obukhova Y. V.; Obukhova S. G.
- Historical Psychology as the History of Psychological KnowledgeAuthors: Shkuratov V. A.
- Tourism in Formation of Professionally Significant Personal Qualities of Students in the Sphere of Physical CultureAuthors: Makeeva V. S.; Pushkina V. N.; Polyakov D. O.
- The Rules of Emotional Display in Lecturers of Russian and German UniversitiesAuthors: Mendzheritskaya J.; Hansen M.; Horz H.
- The Concept “Semantic Barriers in Student’s Learning” in the Modern Scientific-Pedagogical DiscourseAuthors: Osipova A. A.; Zelenov A. A.
- Comparative Analysis of the Subjective Picture of the World of Adult Men and WomenAuthors: Vasileva O. S.; Gracheva N. M.
- The Assessment of Adolescents of their Self-Efficacy in Family Functioning SituationAuthors: Pogorelova E. I.
- Psychophysiological Correlates of Mental Performance of the Improvisation DanceAuthors: Dikaya L. A.; Naumova M. I.; Naumov I. V.
- Features of Frequency-Spatial Organization of the Cerebral Cortex at Musicians during the Creation of Improvisation Based on Stimulus Material with Aggressive and Peaceful “Characters”Authors: Ermakov P. N.; Skirtach I. A.; Kovsh E. M.
- Psychological and Psychogenetic Characteristics of Aggressive and Hostile Strategies of Interaction with the External World of Teenagers and Young PeopleAuthors: Kryuchkova A. S.; Ermakov P. N.; Abakumova I. V.
- Corporeality in the Context of Health Psychology: the Experience of the Pilot StudyAuthors: Pravdina L. R.; Vasileva O. S.; Vlasova A. Y.
- The Perception of the Orientationally Modulated Textures and its Expression in the Visual Evoked PotentialsAuthors: Yavna D. V.; Kupriyanov I. V.; Kokornikova V. I.
- Psychological Analysis of Social Distance in the Post-Conflict RegionAuthors: Boguslavskaya V. F.; Grishina A. V.
- Gender Features of Women’s Self-Presentation in Interpersonal Communication and their Relation to the Choice of ClothesAuthors: Kasabova I. S.
- The Associative Method in the Diagnosis of Perceptions of Subordinates about the Management Styles of the British and Russian ChiefsAuthors: Mustafaeva E. M.