Archived Papers for Journal
Tyragetia >>
Vol.V, No.1
Publisher: National Museum of History of Moldova
Publishing Date: 2011-10-10
- Siebenbürgen und dem Schwarzmeerraum. Die ersten KontakteAuthors: Florin Gogâltan; Ana Ignat
- „Gladius barbarico ritu humi figitur nudus". The contribution of written, iconographic and ethnological sources to the interpretation of swords and deposits of swords in extra-military sphereAuthors: Tudor Soroceanu
- Zur Typologie und Entwicklung der Befestigungsanlagen östlich der Karpatengebirge im 12./11.-3. Jh. v. ChrAuthors: Aurel Zanoci
- A woman from Dănceni, or bow fibulae of Werner's class II CAuthors: Florin Curta
- Stone scepters belonging to the Bronze Age, discovered in Suceava CountyAuthors: Vasile Diaconu; Bogdan-Petru Niculică
- Manufacture of items of hard materials of animal origin during the Late Bronze Age (the Noua-Sabatinovka cultural complex)Authors: Mariana Sîrbu
- Funerary practices in the Early Iron Age site of Saharna-Dealul MănăstiriiAuthors: Ion Niculiţă; Andrei Nicic
- Ardanovo hill-fortAuthors: Vladimir Moyzhes
- The Belozerka fibulae in a broader contextAuthors: Jan Bouzek
- Domed tombs of Thrace - 160 years of researchAuthors: Jerzy Hatłas; Octavian Munteanu
- Panoply of Scythian Female WarriorsAuthors: Elena Fialko
- Female names on Rhodes amphora manufacturers' stamps (on the basis of amphora finds from Tyras)Authors: Tatiana Samojlova; Natalia Mateevici
- Sel et vins dans l'antiquité gréco-romaineAuthors: Bernard Moinier; Marius Alexianu
- To the Question about the Loss of the Hill-fort EkimauciAuthors: Igori Prohnenko
- Finds of coins in the late medieval cemetery of the Măzărache Church in Chişinău (excavations of 2010)Authors: Ion Tentiuc; Valeriu Bubulici
- Medieval coin hoard of the 16th century from Parcani, Soroca District, Republic of MoldovaAuthors: Ana Boldureanu; Adelaida Chiroşca; Elena Revenco
- The chronicle of monetary discoveries (V)Authors: Ana Boldureanu
- On the question of archaeological sites in Chişinău (Catalogue of archaeological sites)Authors: Ion Tentiuc; Mariana Vasilache
- A new law - a new perspective for the archaeological heritage preservation in the Republic of MoldovaAuthors: Sergiu Musteaţă