Archived Papers for Journal
Bulletin of Baikal State University >>
Vol.28, No.4
Publisher: Baikal State University
Publishing Date: 2018-12-27
- The Issue of Plastic Waste UtilizationAuthors: E.V. Potapova
- Ecological Peculiarities and Chemical Composition of Vaccinium Vitis-Idaea L. in the Cis-Baikal ConditionsAuthors: E.G. Khudonogova; O.A. Belykh
- Redevelopment of Environmental Compensation Method Based on Estimated Biotope Value for Landscape Projects in MongoliaAuthors: G. Erdenebayasgalan; B. Boldgiv; B.Ochirkhuyag
- Problem of the Self and the Other, Reality and Fantasy in Sophocles TragediesAuthors: A.A. Atanov
- Alliance of «Lyricists» and «Physicists» in the Context of Digital Technology ApplicationAuthors: A.P. Sukhodolov; S.V. Timofeev
- Theatre as Art: Philosophical and Sociological Analysis in the Space of RealityAuthors: A.A. Atanov; E.V. Zimina
- The War of Khalkhin Gol in 1939 and the German-Soviet Nonaggression PactAuthors: A.P. Sukodolov; T. Dorj; Y.V. Kuzmin; M.P. Rachkov
- English-Language Education Programmes at UniversitiesAuthors: Kurgansky S.A.
- Professional Self-Realization of Social Work Graduates (According to the Findings of Sociological Research)Authors: E.I. Nefedyeva; Z.N. Tugarina
- Mechanism of Capital Flight Control in Developed and Developing Countries (Case Study of France and Mexico)Authors: L.D. Khamaganova; A.A. Mikhaleva
- Focus on the Inclusive Sustainable Growth of Mongolia - the Main Condition of Prosperity the Country in the System of the World Economic RelationsAuthors: C. Ulaan
- Contemporary Peculiarities and Prospects for the Development of Russian Foreign Trade Cooperation with MongoliaAuthors: Y.A. Sukhodolov; A. Davaasuren; A.F. Manzhigeev
- Evolution and Prospects of the Federal Loan Bonds Market DevelopmentAuthors: I.A. Alekseeva; I.A. Petrova
- Need for a Risk-Focused Approach in Tax ControlAuthors: E.N. Zakharova; S.K. Sodnomova
- Substantiation and Modeling of Effects from the Implementation of Industrial Policy in the Context of Techno-Economic Paradigm ShiftAuthors: N.V. Svetnik
- Organizational and Managerial Aspects of Individualization of Services for Corporate Clients in the Client-Oriented Policy of a Commercial BankAuthors: D.A. Shevchenko
- Production and Technological Infrastructure of Innovative Business in Resource RegionsAuthors: O.V. Chistyakova
- Cross-Industry Complexes and Clusters in the Economy of the RegionAuthors: K.N. Yusupov; A.V. Yangirov
- Russian Aviation Industry as a Driver of Innovative Economic DevelopmentAuthors: L.A. Zaharchenko; O.A. Chepinoga; N.R. Epova
- Shadow Economy Forms of Manifestation and Tools to Combat it in the Timber IndustryAuthors: M.I. Tagiev
- Trans-Baikal Front Line in Manchuria Operation in August 1945: Air Force, Border Guards, Counteragency for Sabotage and Espionage, Front Line Fellowship of Soviet, Mongolian and Chinese SoldiersAuthors: A.P. Sukhodolov; Y.V. Kuzmin; M.P. Rachkov