Archived Papers for Journal
المجلة العلمیة المحکمة للجمعیة المصریة للکمبیوتر التعلیمی >>
Vol.7, No.1
Publisher: Egyptian Association for Educational Computer
Publishing Date: 2019-06-30
- Touch user interface In virtual 3D learning environmentsAuthors: خالد محمد محمد فرجون
- Model for Educational InfographicsAuthors: محمد شوقی شلتوت
- The Readiness of Arabic Schools in Brunei Darussalam to utilise e-learningAuthors: محمد محی الدین أحمد;فردوس أحمد محمد جاد
- Program based on the use of animation to teach addition and subtraction for children with autismAuthors: عبیر عبد الحمید فتحى محمد على
- Developing adaptive e-learning environments in the light of learning analytics technologyAuthors: وفاء محمود عبدالفتاح
- Information literacy and its relationship to psychological empowerment among graduate students Faculty of Education, King Khalid University, Saudi ArabiaAuthors: نیللی حسین کامل العمروسی
- Artificial-Intelligence from MicrosoftAuthors: محمد عبد الوهاب محمد عبید
- Problems in educational technologyAuthors: محمد الدسوقی
- Interaction between Multi-Intelligent Agents Model and Content Display Style in Virtual Environment and its Effect on Computer Maintenance and Self-Regulation Skills for Educational Technology StudentsAuthors: حسناء عبد العاطى إسماعیل الطباخ;آیة طلعت أحمد إسماعیل