Complexas mediações: transdisciplinaridade e incertezas nas recepções informacionais
Journal: Informação em Pauta (Vol.1, No. 1)Publication Date: 2016-07-01
Authors : Luiz Tadeu Feitosa;
Page : 98-117
Keywords : Mediation; Concept; Information Science; informational receptions;
This article analyzes the concept of mediation and its informational interfaces from the concepts of complexity and transdisciplinarity, focusing on the character of the uncertainties that cause these complexities in assessing the phenomena. Based on the theoretical, conceptual and methodological elements present in the menu of a course graduate, entitled "Culture and Mediation Information", the hermetic nature of courses is discussed, little epistemological elucidation of the mediation concept under some studies of Information Science and the defense only for a transdisciplinary bias can review concepts, raise broader epistemological flights and less closed and give rise to disciplinary menus concerned with theoretical target that address the cultural aspects where happen mediations. The reflections point to the need to take into account the complexities of the concept of mediation and that the simple organizational apparatus and provision of information does not guarantee an actual mediation.
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Last modified: 2017-02-07 08:37:31