Proximate and heavy metals composition of Plantain (Musa paradisiaca L.) fruits harvested from some solid waste dumps in Uyo Metropolis, Nigeria
Journal: International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology (Vol.2, No. 4)Publication Date: 2017-07-02
Authors : Iniobong E. Okon; Uduakobong E. Akwaowo;
Page : 1664-1650
Keywords : Dumpsites soils; Heavy metals; Plantain fruits; Proximate composition.;
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Plantain thrives well in waste dumpsites. These wastes usually contaminate the soil with heavy metals which become absorbed by the plants. The risk of heavy metal toxicity in humans is an issue of serious concern globally. Proximate composition of plantain fruits harvested from three randomly selected waste dumpsites in Uyo metropolis, Nigeria were determined using AOAC standard analytical techniques while their heavy metals (Pb, Cr, Ni, Cu, Co, Cd and As) concentrations and that of their rhizosphere soil were analysed with Unicam Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Proximate analyses results revealed that carbohydrate content was higher in the fruits harvested from the control uncontaminated soil sites (91.61%) than in the fruits harvested from dumpsite soils (87.23%; 87.89%; 88.00%). Dumpsite soils had higher heavy metals concentrations than the control soil. Lead (Pb) was the highest occurring heavy metal in all the dumpsite soils. Fruits harvested from the dumpsite soils had higher heavy metals concentrations than those from the control soil. Pb was the only heavy metal whose concentration in the plantain fruits was higher than the WHO/FAO permissible limit. This work has established that the selected dumpsite soils have been contaminated with heavy metals which have been absorbed by the plantain cultivated there. Cultivation and consumption of plantain from these dumpsite soils should be discouraged.
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Last modified: 2017-08-03 00:42:49