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The formation of the competitiveness of tourist enterprises in the context of ensuring of the economic security

Journal: Quarterly Scientific Journal "Economic Herald of the Donbas" (Vol.37, No. 3)

Publication Date:

Authors : ; ;

Page : 61-64

Keywords : competitiveness; enterprise; tourism industry; competitive potential; development; strategy; economic security;

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The article investigates the processes of competitive advantage formation in tourism industry. Interdependence and interrelatedness of competitiveness with the processes of effective operation and development of the tourism business was proved. Was made analysis of the number of enterprises in the tourism industry in dynamics,which demonstrates the increasing at tourism market. The evaluation of external competitive positions and advantages of tourism enterprises is given. Was made the structural and logical scheme how to achieve competitive advantage by tourism industry enterprise in the context of its economic security formation.

Last modified: 2017-08-31 23:35:10