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Life in the Context of Consciousness, Duration, Matter and Evolution in the Philosophy of Bergson

Journal: Mütefekkir (Vol.4, No. 7)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 79-98

Keywords : Life; Conciousness; Time; Matter; Evolution;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


In this study, it will be tried to be explained the relationship between consciousness, memory, time, matter and evolution within the framework of French Philosopher Bergson’s conception of life and vital force (Élan vital). The basis of his views on metaphysics is based on comprehension of life and vital force. Bergson made a connection between the seemingly disconnected concepts; time, evolution, consciousness, and memory within the frame of vital force, as well as explaining what they are, how they are formed, their relations with each other, space and matter. In fact, he also expresses life itself with the concept of vital force. Since all of these concepts are almost inseparable from each other, when one is mentioned others are mentioned as well. Bergson linked closely the structures of these concepts by using the best way the qualitatively intertwinement, basis of his own philosophical claim, so he could present the entity as a whole through these concepts. He created this approach in a kind of way based on psychological and biological principles. Bergson claims that in the face of scientific developments, existence/life cannot be assessed by a mechanical or finalist view, because, according to him, freedom tries to make itself dominant in existence/in life. Bergson’s views have been tried to be critically examined in this essay.

Last modified: 2018-07-29 03:07:55