Dynamic Resource Allocation for Cloud Computing Including the Feasibility Study on Green Computing (Using Need Based Resource Allocation Scheme)
Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.3, No. 6)Publication Date: 2014-06-15
Authors : B. Karthikeyan; T. Sasikala; M. DilliBabu;
Page : 1230-1232
Keywords : Skewness; Need Based Resource Allocation; dynamic resource allocation; over allocated and Under Allocated.;
"Computing technology allows the user to avail all the feasible usage extract from it, in which cloud computing explicitly shows the utilization of resources based on the needs of business customers as well as the sophisticated users. Many of the utilized gains in the model demonstrate the user about the resource usage from different sources and coordinate them in to gained resources through the amalgamation of resources in the server. In this paper we propose a new technology named “Need Based Resource Allocation (NBRA)” which allocates resources whenever needed with maximum utilization. Skewness is used to find out the eventuality in the resource allocation in the server side and resource utilization in the client side, for both the criteria, many dimensional views with the prediction are carried out to prove the same concept. To minimize the wastage of resources, we first check the proposed workload to that of the existing scenario. Before allocation of resources’ to an event, we have the confirmed resource required to complete the event and we make sure that no resources are over allocated and under-allocated. Thus our paper confirms that dynamic allocation of resources will not compromise the performance of the process.
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Last modified: 2014-06-27 16:22:26