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Journal: Art of Medicine (Vol.2, No. 2)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 112-115

Keywords : competitive groups; communication skills; cooperation;

Source : Download Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The article reflects current standards in education, which include the training of highly skilled specialists capable of integrating theoretical knowledge and practical skills into a holistic system, and possessing new technologies. For the successful realization of the personal potential of each student in the educational process, certain conditions must be created for the formation of such personal traits as mobility, ability to integrate into a dynamic society, critical thinking, ability to generate new ideas, ability to make non-standard decisions and be responsible for them, communicative skills, ability to work in a team, ability to model educational situations, etc. The use of interactive learning technologies contributes to solving such problems. For conducting a practical lesson using an interactive learning model by a competitive group, the teacher must undertake a preparatory phase. He helps to form groups, provides them with a list of sources of professional literature, professional algorithms, questions and clinical problems of various levels of complexity, radiographs, data from laboratory surveys and microfilms-presentations, dummies and phantoms with simulation of this disease. Preparation of premises and equipment, self-preparation should be performed. The teacher divides students into two or more groups that compete with each other in solving a particular clinical problem before practical classes. Sometimes one group may act as a judge. Each group develops its own plan for solving one clinical problem. The homogeneity of the groups contributes to the same rate of material development and prevents the passivity of its individual members. For groups where more successful students are, the teacher needs to give a complex task, a non-standard problem, for the solution of which the knowledge of additional literature is required. Students must clearly understand the criteria of their evaluation and know the requirements for the initial level of knowledge and skills in this problem situation. Any answer is commented and corrected by students from a competing group. Thus, all students take part in the educational process. Each group develops its own plan for solving one clinical problem. Depending on the stages of the class, the teacher carries out certain functions: during the preparatory phase - the participants explain the essence and variants of practical implementation of the method of in-teractive learning, helps them to form groups, provides professional algorithms, questions and clinical tasks of various levels of complexity, X-rays, laboratory research data and microfilm-presentations, during the main stage - follows the course of the discussion. He also notes the adequacy of the solution to the clinical problem of competing groups, identifies the student leader, who offers the most accurate and rational solution to the problem and increases the overall result of the group, during the final stage - evaluates the result of the creative work of each group, evaluates each student according to the relevant criteria of assessment. Obligatory condition for the effectiveness of classes is the attitude towards students as equal participants in the educational process.

Last modified: 2018-11-10 04:46:37