Innovative Geospatial Technologies for the Aviation Industry
Journal: RevCAD Journal of Geodesy and Cadastre (Vol.-, No. 24)Publication Date: 2018-06-30
Authors : S. Plăvicheanu P.I. Dragomir;
Page : 161-164
Keywords : Geospatial data; Big Data; Remote Sensing; Change detection; GIS; airport;
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New technologies and innovations are emerging in ways that will fundamentally disrupt some of the most important economic sectors. The development of geospatial technologies and remote sensing offers tremendous potential, allowing complex processing and analysis, at a large scale, to be deployed in timely manner. This paper presents the challenges and opportunities we are currently facing when conducting aeronautical studies and how crucial location element is for maintaining operations on aerodromes safe and efficient. Utilizing high resolution imagery and geospatial big data analytics products on a leading cloud-based platform, with a comprehensive image library of over 100 petabytes, ensures performance in providing aeronautical data of the highest quality.
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Last modified: 2019-02-11 03:46:37