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Journal: GISAP: Psychological Sciences (Vol.1, No. 1)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 13-14

Keywords : suicidal situation; social and psychological analysis; prevention;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Researchers showed that by 2020 growth of number of suicides is expected. Research objectives ? studying a suicidal situation in Batumi. The author determined the nosological belonging of suicidal persons, suicidal risk-group, psychosocial characteristics of suicidal persons and possible ways of prevention of a suicide. The clinical material was gathered in republican hospital of Batumi in 2005-2008. 35 cases of suicide and 23 cases of parasuicide were admitted. Target groups were studied: suicidal persons whose information was received from regional prosecutor's office in Batumi (1), parasuicidal people whose information was received from case reports of the republican clinical hospital of Batumi (2). According to the research high index of suicidal activity is shown by persons aged at 30-40. Their peak indicator was admitted in 2005-2006-2007. According to the data we have, educational level doesn't determine suicidal actions. People with higher education or without it commit suicides. Thus suicidal actions are affected by a set of factors causing oppression of psychosocial functioning of personal activity that negatively affects standards of living (due to which suicide is committed). Social and psychological analysis of suicidal actions in Batumi showed that it is necessary to create suicidological service responsible for statistical and epidemiological examination of suicidal persons and their monitoring.

Last modified: 2014-08-22 22:52:42