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Principles of development of professional competences of teachers of general technical disciplines of the professional (professional‐technical) education institutions in the conditions of methodical work

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») (Vol.10, No. 39)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 40-56

Keywords : principle; professional (vocational-technical) education; development; professional competences; teacher; methodical work.;

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The article emphasizes the importance of developing the professional competences of teachers of institutions of vocational (vocational-technical) education. Recent work on the topic is analyzed. The essence of structural components of professional competences of teachers of general technical disciplines of vocational (vocationaltechnical) education institutions (motivational-value, intellectualpedagogical, emotional-volitional and activity-operational) is revealed. It is established that the readiness of teachers of institutions of professional (vocational-technical) education for the development of professional competences is a conscious state of personality, which provides personal and professional self-realization in solving professional problems based on the use of individual psychological features and intellectual and creative potential in the process of pedagogical activities. It is proved that the principles of professional competence development of teachers of general technical disciplines of vocational (vocational-technical) education in the conditions of methodical work depend on the peculiarities of structural components of the phenomenon under study. The basic rational provisions of application of pedagogical principles for the development of professional competences of teachers of institutions of professional (vocational-technical) education in the conditions of methodical work are established. The basic principles of development of professional competences of teachers of general technical disciplines of institutions of professional (vocational-technical) education in terms of methodological work determined the principle of continuity, the principle of scientific, the principle of integrity of the pedagogical process, the principle of joint creative activity of all participants of the educational process, the principle of creativity, the principle of innovation. The effectiveness of the action of the specified principles of professional competencies of teachers of general technical disciplines of vocational (vocational-technical) education in the conditions of methodical work in accordance with the structural components of the phenomenon under study is substantiated.

Last modified: 2020-02-28 18:06:48