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Formation of state education policy about the contents of the teachers 'activities in the context of higher education modernization

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. Series "Social and Behavioral Sciences; Management and Administration" (psychological, economy, public administration). Category «B» (Vol.11, No. 40)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 165-178

Keywords : state educational policy; the content of the teacher's activity; modernization of higher education; quality of education; professional competence; professional development; andragogy;

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The article deals with some issues of the formation of the state educational policy regarding the content of the teachers' activity in the context of the modernization of higher education. It has been determined that the state educational policy regarding the content of activities of higher education teachers is being formed under the influence of the following factors: the connection of higher quality of higher education with the competence of the teaching staff of institutions higher education (IHE); increased competition in the education and labor market, which has an impact on the increase in competition between teachers; conditions for the professional development of the teaching staff; new requirements for the content of students' teaching activities. The experience of European countries is considered, where the development of the staff of higher education institutions is considered an important factor in the activity and prestige of the educational institution. Given the global educational trends, it is proposed to create opportunities for professional development of teaching staff in certain areas. Criteria for evaluating the activity of the teaching staff are determined, new requirements for teaching staff by students are analyzed.It is proved that transformational directions of the state educational policy, aimed at qualitative updating of education, provide in the content of activity of the teacher increasing the orientation of the educational process to the active assimilation of knowledge, skills and skills of the learners, nurturing in them the ability to form their own opinion, open, independent creative thinking. This approach is possible if the optimal ratio between the number of teachers and students is achieved, optimization of the set of disciplines, interdisciplinarity, close connection of the disciplines with socio-economic, political and global problems.The importance of introducing andragogical principles in the teaching of students as adults, which provide opportunities to form knowledge for real needs and problems arising in practical activity, is emphasized.

Last modified: 2020-06-12 17:26:44