The Role of Oxygen/Nitrogen Bubbles in Flotation Deinking using a Commercial Surfactant and the Fatty Acid of MorindaCitrifolia L
Journal: International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD ) (Vol.10, No. 3)Publication Date: 2020-06-30
Authors : Trismawati Trismawati Darono Wikanaji Muji Setiyo Catur Harsito Aditya Rio Prabowo; Zainal Arifin;
Page : 2757-2766
Keywords : Ink Removal; Commercial Surfactant; Morindacitrifolia L. Fatty Acid& Flotation Deinking;
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Despite surfactant-based ink removal being extensively investigated, the best quality deinked pulp obtained by flotation deinking exhibits effective residual ink concentration (ERIC) and brightness values that are consistently lower than expected. To understand this, the effect of oxygen and nitrogen bubbling on the behavior of a commercial surfactant and the fatty acid of Morindacitrifolia L. (FAMC) was investigated in this study. Oxidation was found to enable binding between the surfactant / FAMC and the ink components and enhance flotation deinking. The hydrophilic properties of the surfactant also enable the surfactant and FAMC molecules to physically contact or interact with ink components.
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Last modified: 2021-01-06 14:55:28