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Economic fascism and its manifestations as a gambling «games» and other criminal actions in the state

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers «Social and Behavioral Sciences Series»; «Management and Administration Series» (psychological 053, economy 051, public administration 281). (Category «B») (Vol.13, No. 42)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 115-138

Keywords : economic fascism; gambling «games»; the «invisible hand» of Adam Smith; dominance in society and in the state – of money; market; profit; capital over a person; crime against humanity; Philosophy of social goal;

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In scientific work, economic fascism and its manifestations in the form of gambling «games» and other criminal actions in society and in the state is considered as a manifestation of the dominance of a «purely» economic goal, as a manifestation of the dominance of money, the market, the profit of capital over a person in society and in the state, as a manifestation of the essential nature of true capitalism, as a crime against humanity. Moreover, the author reasonably argues that the deep «scientific» roots associated with economic fascism should be sought in the views of Adam Smith, one of the founders of classical political economy, and, in particular, in his «main idea», called by Adam Smith himself, «invisible hand» (?!). The author expresses a categorical disagreement with the understanding and interpretation of the so-called «invisible hand» of Adam Smith, according to which, as if obtaining maximum profit automatically solves the problems of realizing the interests of the people. In scientific work, the author notes that the market certainly has its own laws and laws that must be taken into account in the process of managing economic processes, in the process of governing society and the state. However, from the point of view of the need to implement the supremacy of the interests of the people, which the state power should serve, the author considers it absolutely impermissible to obey the market, because if we are guided by the so-called «invisible hand» of the market, and if we follow the idea of Adam Smith's self-organization of the market, «blind» and «stupid» state – in effect we get a fictitious state, antisocial state serving a «purely» economic goal – serving the domination of money, the market, capital gains on man and promoting robbery and enslavement of the people, i.e., we get – economic fascism, which is the worst manifestation of the essential nature of true capitalism. According to the author's substantiated statement, it is of fundamental importance that the state power governs proceeding from the interests of the people and in the interests of the people, so that the state power is not subordinate to the market and market self-government, which inevitably means the domination of the «invisible hand» of the market, means the dominance of money, market, profit capital over man, means the existence of economic fascism in society and in the state. Therefore, in spite of Adam Smith's universality in the whole world, and despite his unconditional merits in economics, Adam Smith, in the author's assertion, by his main «scientific» idea of the so-called «invisible hand» is actually one of the founders and «scientific» «interpreter» of economic fascism. Referring again to the problem of serving a «purely» economic goal – the problems of serving money, the market, profits, capital, the author notes that this is absolutely unacceptable and criminal, for the robbery and enslavement of a huge number of people takes place in those states in which «purely» economic thinking is dominating.

Last modified: 2021-01-11 18:38:27