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Development of Education and its Quality of Accessibility in the era of Knowledge Society in Arunachal Pradesh

Journal: International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) (Vol.6, No. 2)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 2105-2110

Keywords : Education; Knowledge; Community; Village; Literacy; Gender; Quality; Development;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The development and expansion of modern and formal education system is one of the most significant accomplishments during the last 60 years, one that has had a far reaching impact on the people and on the society. Education and its accessibility have brought a momentous change with new knowledge and ideas in the lives of the people. It has empowered them, instilled confidence and encouraged them to have broader outlook. These changes have taken place in an extremely short span of time, at best over a couple of generations and have made considerable impact on social relationships and society in an irreversible manner. The newer systems of learning and knowledge have come to the state and the domain of knowledge that a person needs to encompass has broadened. The old systems based on clan and community, have come under stress and have weakened but they are still very important. The spread of the school and the growth of literacy in the state is encouraging despite hilly area and communication problems of remote villages. The pupil-teacher ratio is an important indicator of the quality of education which was neglected for long till central government intervention for its enhancement. The paper start with a brief introduction of the school system in the state and the objective is to analyze the literacy rate and its gender gap, rural-urban gap in literacy and the issue of access to school of all the districts of Arunachal Pradesh with the help of primary and secondary data and a field study observation.

Last modified: 2021-06-30 17:48:27