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Seed physiological studies on Pleurospermum candollii, an high altitude medicinal herb from cold desert area of Pattan valley, Lahaul and Spiti in Western Himalayas

Journal: Asian Journal of Advanced Basic Sciences (Vol.2, No. 1)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 22-28

Keywords : medicinal plants; seed storage; viability; germination and dormancy;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


Himachal Pradesh lies in the Indian Himalayan Region (IHR), is one of the richest reservoirs of biological diversity in the world, having a rich wealth of medicinal and aromatic plant wealth. The Pleurospermum candollii, is very important and rare medicinal herb found at very high altitude of 4500m amsl. The various species of Pleurospermum possess medicinal and antioxidant properties. Moreover, some species of Pleurospermum are also used in perfumery. Pleurospermum candollii is used in the treatment of dysentery, dyspepsia, renal pain, stomachache and flatulence. The seeds of Pleurospermum candollii were deep dormant and have very poor germination (7%), besides having high viability status of 98%. In the present paper seed storage studies on dormancy status and germination status is discussed. The effect of various germination inhibitor tests on germination of various phytometer species is also studied. The implications of the present research will be very productive and helpful in the seed based conservation of the various medicinal plant species in which the germination is poor and have dormancy.

Last modified: 2015-01-28 15:11:45