Терлак З. Пунктуаційний словник-довідник
Journal: Movoznavstvo (Vol.2021, No. 3)Publication Date: 2021-06-30
Authors : Anatolii Zahnitko;
Page : 64-68
Keywords : punctuation; punctuation marks; Ukrainian language;
The peer-reviewed dictionary is devoted to the systematized presentation of the basic rules of punctuation in modern Ukrainian literary practice. The object of consideration are the elements of the set of punctuation marks (comma, dash, semicolon, etc.), and the subject - the features of their use in the appropriate position of formal-grammatical and semantic-syntactic sentence organization. At the same time, Z. Terlak pays attention to the intonation patterns of punctuation, which "act as a kind of" notes "when reading the text."
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Last modified: 2021-07-16 15:15:46