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The structure of lterary and artistic anthroponyms in dramatic works of V.Vynnychenko

Journal: Scientific Bulletin of Mukachevo State University. Series “Pedagogy and Psychology” (Vol.2, No. 1)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 125-127

Keywords : literary-artistic anthroponymicon; literary-artistic anthroponomy; literary-artistic anthroponomics; name; patronymic name; alias; nickname; anthroponomical system; V. Vynnychenko;

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The article "Structure of literary-artistic anthroponyms in dramatic works of V. Vynnychenko" analyzes the structure of literary-artistic anthroponyms in dramas written by V. Vynnychenko. Considerable attention is paid to the study of the structural features of the characters names. Characterized by one-word, two-word, three-word and wordy naming. The study of the structure of literary-artistic anthroponyms in dramatic works is important for the Ukrainian literary-artistic anthroponomics. Name underline text characters, dyed it often serves the necessary information for interpreting the text and the like. The object of our study was literary-artistic anthroponomy in dramatic works of V. Vynnychenko, their structure. In order to master the art text, you need to thoroughly characterize it adopted naming characters. This is the relevance of these onomastic questions. The purpose of the article is to analyze the structure of literary-artistic anthroponomy in dramatic works of V. Vynnychenko. According to our research, for literary-artistic anthroponomy in dramas works V. Vynnychenko inherent one-word, two-word and three-word naming. The current official Ukrainian real anthroponomical system, as we know, is one of three-word with obligatory three components. However, this applies only to the official system and is not required for folk-speech name system, which is characterized by the wealth of innovation, formulas and more. An important component of this system is the nickname. Each component constituting the anthropophormula has its own history and specifics of existence as the official consumer and folk-speech in oral tradition.

Last modified: 2021-09-02 17:11:56