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Didactic bases for the use of learning technologies in biology lessons in VIII–IX grades

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. (Educational Sciences Series) (Category «B») (Vol.21, No. 50)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 67-77

Keywords : pedagogical process; didactics; biology; modern teaching technologies; pedagogical thinking; creativity; teacher-student cooperation;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The article notes that in the modern world the future of any country is measured by the level of education in this country. The development of education is an integral part of the development concept of each country, that is, education is one of the main priorities of the state. At present, the education system of the independent Azerbaijan Republic is based, along with other principles, on democratic and humanistic principles. Thanks to interactive teaching methods, students develop the ability to think independently, express their attitude to the opinions of others, and be able to justify their own judgments. This lays the foundation for independence and flexibility of thought. The use of modern teaching technologies in biology lessons not only equips students with biological knowledge, but also allows them to independently extract and assimilate more information, acquire new abilities and qualities through the development of logical, creative and critical types of thinking. Interactive teaching methods increase the interest and motivation of students in the lesson, and even the weakest student is stimulated to learn and act with the help of such teaching. Mastering teaching technologies is the basis of pedagogical excellence. In the modern period, the use of new technologies and teaching methods requires a fundamental change in the activities of the teacher, his pedagogical work, work style and, as a result, the style of work of students. The main purpose of this article is to study the application of teaching technologies, which occupy a leading position in the global education system and are considered the most optimal learning experience, and to study the didactic foundations for their use in teaching biology in secondary schools in Azerbaijan. The author notes that the didactic basis for the use of electronic textbooks in teaching biology in grades VIII–IX of secondary schools is teaching in accordance with the program sequence of lessons and integrated learning with various situations in the pedagogical process. The didactic basis for the use of electronic textbooks in teaching biology in grades VIII–IX of secondary schools plays a leading role in conducting biology lessons using modern methods and in determining the content of biological education

Last modified: 2022-10-11 15:34:26