An Increasing Emphasis of Evidence-Based Practice in Children with Developmental Disabilities
Journal: Annals of Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy (APhOT) (Vol.3, No. 4)Publication Date: 2020-11-02
Authors : Allyson MSP; Joydeep DC;
Page : 1-16
Keywords : Children; Interventions; Evidence-Based;
- Occupational Participation of Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
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Background: In response to demands of client care and constraints of limited healthcare resources, it is necessary to identify the precise nature of current research trends in occupational therapy in the United States. Objectives: The specific aim of this study was to explore the common themes of occupational therapy research over a ten-year period (2007-2016), and how this research has evolved. Methods: Articles published in the American Journal of Occupational Therapy from 2007-2016 were analyzed. Results: Majority of the studies focused on the improvement of behavior in children with developmental disabilities through various occupational therapy interventions. In addition, there was an increased focus on the generation of valid and reliable data promoting evidence-based practice. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that current research in occupational therapy is focused on interventions in children which aligns with the American Occupational Therapy Association's Framework-III (2014) supporting interventions that promote healthy development in children.
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Last modified: 2023-07-24 15:58:51