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Problems of individual education of children with cerebral palsy in the theory of special pedagogy

Journal: Bulletin of Postgraduate education: collection of scientific papers. Series «Educational sciences» Category "B" (Vol.25, No. 54)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 303-316

Keywords : disability; disorders of the musculoskeletal system; individual training; infantile cerebral palsy; corrective process;

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The article highlights the problems of teaching children with cerebral palsy (CP) and its features. In recent years, cerebral palsy has become one of the most common diseases of the nervous system in children in all countries of the world. This disease severely disables the child, affecting not only the locomotor system, but also causes impairment of speech (80 %), intelligence (50 %), vision (20 %), hearing (15 %), kinesthetic perception (15 %). A significant part of children with cerebral palsy is unable to attend school, which is why they stay at home and study according to an individual form of education. The number of such children is constantly growing (M. Svarnyk, M. Nikolaev). Therefore, the issue of effective organization of individual education of children with cerebral palsy requires further scientific research. Based on the provisions of theories about the leading role of motivation as the main stimulus of motor activity and mental activity inseparably connected with it, about the presence of flexible dynamic connections and significant plasticity of the nervous system in children of preschool and junior school age, a number of authors justify the need for a comprehensive approach to medical-psychological-pedagogical rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy (L. Badalyan, M. Eidinova, E. Pravdina-Vynarska, K. Semenova, O. Mastyukova, M. Smuglin, N. Makhmudova, S. Yevtushenko, V. Kozyavkin, W. Phelps, B. Bobath, K. Bobath, V. Vojta, H. Knupfer, F. Rathe, L. Shestopalova, V. Kozijavkin, F. Niethard, T. Proskurina, M. Svarnyk, M. Nikolaev). Doctors (F. Niethard, V. Vojta, K. Bobath, A. Peto, etc.) were most widely involved in the rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy. In particular, F. Niethard described the main, widespread in the world methods of treatment of cerebral palsy: treatment by body position (according to K. Bobat); reflexology (V. Voyta); conductive therapy (A. Petyo). Improving the organization and content of special education, timely comprehensive assistance to children with various psychophysical developmental disorders, including those with musculoskeletal disorders, are of primary importance for the effectiveness of their preparation for school, timely treatment, remedial education at school, and integration into society. In connection with this, in domestic and foreign special pedagogy, a number of issues of corrective and restorative work with children with cerebral palsy have been developed (the works of R. Babenkova, L. Danilova, L. Drobot, M. Ippolitova, E. Kalyzhniuk, O. Mastyukova, A. Obukhivska, E. Postovoitova, O. Romanenko, N. Skrypka, L. Khanzeruk, O. Chebotaryova and other researchers). Attempts to generalize the experience of correctional education and upbringing of children with cerebral palsy proved the importance and necessity of pedagogical intervention in the process of overcoming their adaptation difficulties, implementation of an individual approach, development of original means and methods of learning in the conditions of a social rehabilitation center (E. Postovoitov, L. Drobot). It is highlighted that the understanding of the factors and mechanisms of the occurrence of various violations in the process of the formation of the child's psyche allows to correctly design the correction process.

Last modified: 2023-10-03 17:46:22