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Authors : ;

Page : 110-117

Keywords : construction industry; teachers of professional training in professional educational institutions; legal competence; components;

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Introduction. The article analyses the problem of specifics of legal competence of teachers in construction industry, the issue of how legal competence of teachers who train future specialists in the field of construction affects their professional activity and applicants' for higher education training.Purpose. The purpose of the article was to substantiate specifics of legal competence of professional training teachers in professional educational institutions of construction industry.Methods. Theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature in order to clarify state and level of development of the investigated problem; comparative analysis and synthesis to substantiateconceptual and categorical apparatus of scientific research; induction and deduction to establish the connection between basic concepts, their features and specify new definitions.Results. The article defines and characterizes specifics of legal competence of professional training teachers in professional educational institutions of construction industry. It has been found out thatlegal competence of professional training teachers in professional educational institutions of construction industry issystematic education that integrates knowledge, abilities, skills, ways of thinking, views, values, and other personal qualities regarding their ability to possess the law in professional and pedagogical activity in accordance with the labor functions list; to be aware of effectiveness of laws and by-laws to implementacademic and educational functions; tounderstand principles of participants' of educational process rights and methods of legal regulation of their relationships, to formapplicants' for education legal competence in accordance with Ukrainian regulatory norms and standards in construction industry. Originality.Noveltyof the article lies in application of a comprehensive approach to the research of specifics of legal competence among teachers of professional training in professional educational institutions of construction industry. Taking into account the results of the investigation, the following components have been identified in the structure of legal competence of professional training teachers in professional educational institutions of construction industry: moral-purposeful, knowledge, activity and evaluation-reflection. The above-mentioned components are treated in more details.Conclusions. Thus, formation and development of legal competence among professional training teachers in professional educational institutions of construction industry requires updatingand substantiation of scientific approaches regarding systematic inclusion of issues of culture of legal relations and legally correct implementation of professional pedagogical activities in the educational process of educational institutions. The significance of the represented problem is that teachers' legal competence includes skills and knowledge related to the legal aspects of construction field, which include understanding of construction legislation, rules and regulations governing construction process, as well as skills of applying this knowledge during organization of the educational process ontraining future specialists for practical professional activity. Therefore, we see a promising direction of research and further scientific research in thestudy of the current state of development of legal competence of teachers of professional and theoretical training in professional educational institutions of construction industry.

Last modified: 2024-10-21 16:31:22