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Page : 141-147

Keywords : competence approach; competence; orthographic competence; orthography; orthogram; orthographic rule; orthographic error;

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Introduction.In the process of learning the Ukrainian language, students must master orthographic competence and be able to express their thoughts consistently, accurately and clearly, as well as grammatically correctly. In view of this, one of the most important tasks of studying the Ukrainian language at school remains the problem of forming strong orthographic skills, because orthographically competent writing is an important component of general language culture and every educated person needs to master it, which is due to the function of language as a means of communication people in different fields of activity. The section «Orthography»causes significant difficulties for education applicants in the process of studying it. The importance of this section of linguistics is determined by the social significance ofthe orthographic norm, which is an integral feature of the literary norm.Purpose. To investigate the essence of the concept of «orthographic competence»; to outline the ways of formation of orthographic competence in secondary school students' Ukrainianlanguage lessons.Methods. The following methods were used in the research: analysis of linguistic sources to find out the state of problem development; a descriptive method, which combines observation, interpretation and generalization of linguistic and methodological material.Results. It was found that orthographic competence is an integrated personal quality that involves the possession of orthographic competence; the level of mastery of orthographic rules and norms in accordance with the principles ofUkrainian orthography, the application orthographic norms in speech.Orthographic competence is a combination of cognitive, activity-practical and personal components. The cognitive component implies knowledge of orthographic norms. The activity-practical aspect implies the theoretical knowledge application in practice and the formation of personal experience. The personal component is the ability to draw analogies between the learned rules, and is also related to the self-control concept, by which we mean the personality quality, which is a characteristic of his or her activity and independence, which are manifested in actions related to self-assessment, correction and improvement of the work done.Originality. The principles, methods and techniques of working on the formation and development of students' orthographic skills specific to the orthography teaching methodology have been specified and scientifically substantiated; didactic material, which is based on the gradual increase of difficulties and allows to effectively form students' orthographic and speech (communicative) skills has been proposed; a typology of training exercises has been developed, their main types, classified according to various characteristics, have been defined and described; the sequence of exercises has been established.Conclusion. Thus, orthographic competence is an integrated personal quality that implies the possession of orthographic competence; the level of proficiency in orthographic rules and norms in accordance with the principles of Ukrainian orthography, the application of orthographic norms in speech activity. Orthography teaching is a systematic, planned work that involves the assimilation of orthographic concepts aimed at ensuring strong literacy skills; assimiliation of orthographic norms based on the awarenessof the linguistic content that constitutes the basic essence of each orthographic rule; expanding students' vocabulary; enrichment of the grammatical structure of the language; improvement of all types of speech activity (reading, listening, speaking and writing) in their unity and interconnection.

Last modified: 2024-10-21 16:39:59