Two degrees of freedom structure as speed regulator in a hydraulic power plant
Journal: Journal Boliviano de Ciencias (Vol.14, No. 42)Publication Date: 2018-04-30
Authors : Francisco J. Triveno Vargas Hernán Jaldin Florero;
Page : 24-37
Keywords : Engineering; Architecture;
In this work the structure of two degrees of freedom (TDOF) is proposed as controller (governor) of speed in a hydroelectric plant. The linear and non-linear model of a hydraulic turbine is presented, as well as the model of an infinite bus generator to be used in non-linear simulations, in addition, sorne requirements of the electric power authority are included to be considered in the project. The lead and lag phase regulator and the two degrees of freedom are described in sequence. The project and analysis of the regulators are evaluated taking into account the time and frequency requirements. Finally, the non-linear simulations that include the excitation model and the power system stabilization are presented. lt should be highlight that this proposal is the result of the first course Control of Electric Generators using Matlab-SimulinkÓ administered in Bolivia.
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