Features of the course of comorbid pathology with congenital septal heart defects
Journal: Science and Education (Vol.6, No. 2)Publication Date: 2025-02-25
Authors : Sakina Bakhodirovna Tairova; Barchinoy Kamolovna Murodullayeva; Sevinch Abdusalom qizi Abdurakhmonova; Eʼzoza Zafar qizi Toʻraqulova;
Page : 61-67
Keywords : congenital heart disease; comorbid conditions; developmental anomaly; extracardiac pathology;
Congenital heart defects are an important problem in pediatrics due to their high prevalence and the need for early surgical correction due to significant health problems and disability in children. According to WHO, congenital heart disease occurs in 0.7-1.7% of newborns. In some cases, the rapid progression of the stages of the course of congenital heart disease is determined not only by its severity, but also by the influence of concomitant diseases: hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, nutritional deficiencies, deficiency anemia, etc. Knowledge of the mechanisms of development of these disorders and the possibility of their timely detection with the help of modern research methods make it possible to diagnose and correct developing pathological conditions as early as possible. In this regard, the issue of studying clinical diagnostic criteria for improving the provision of timely medical care to children with congenital heart disease of an early age remains relevant and requires scientific research in this direction.
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Last modified: 2025-02-27 00:24:37