Computing platform proposal for roads building management projetcs. Case study: Building company "SERCO S.R.L"
Journal: Journal Boliviano de Ciencias (Vol.12, No. 36)Publication Date: 2016-04-30
Authors : Rodrigo Lea Plaza Chávez Hugo Gutiérrez Espada;
Page : 30-43
Keywords : Engineering; Architecture;
Currently some companies of civil construction of roads carry out their project management through the implementation of planning, execution, control and monitoring manually, implying delay in their tasks and poor control of their activities; among these companies is SERCO S.R.L, base of this study. Facing this problem this project was proposed, which describes the analysis, design and development of a software platform for managing road construction projects, aimed to companies dedicated to this working. The computer platform has the following modules: planning; equipment; personnel control and allocation activities; supply of materials and equipment; warehouses and shipping and delivery control; progress report; and obtaining reports showing details of each advance of works, control and monitoring.
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Last modified: 2025-02-27 23:38:39