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Foundations design of the overpass at 6 DE AGOSTO avenue and PANAMERICANA avenue using micropiles

Journal: Journal Boliviano de Ciencias (Vol.11, No. 34)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 50-54

Keywords : Engineering; Architecture;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


In arder to improve the traffic flow in the city south, in Cochabamba, Bolivia; it was necessary the construc­tion of an overpass at the intersection of 6 de Agosto and Panamericana avenues, choosing an arch-type solution. Given the magnitude of the structure, the load stresses imposed on the foundations and the characteristics of the subsurface, a design using deep foundations has been necessary. Therefore, an alternative design using micropiles has been required, which has allowed the construction of the foundation of the bridge, conside­ring the actual field conditions without affecting the structural stability, and also has allowed a significant saving in the budget. As a complement, an optimization of the proposed final design, with an optimum tilt angle that favored the be­havior of the micropiles against lateral loads, which re­duced the number of micropiles and the geometry of the cap, thereby achieving a satisfactory technical so­lution, and also economically feasible.

Last modified: 2025-02-28 00:50:18