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Syntactic and Demographic Analysis of Suicide Notes in Greater Mumbai

Journal: International Journal of English, Literature and Social Science (Vol.10, No. 1)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 196-206

Keywords : Suicide notes; syntactic analysis; demographic features; analytical model;

Source : Downloadexternal Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


The present article deals with the syntactic and demographic analysis of forty genuine suicide notes collected from the greater Mumbai region. The research aims to measure grammatical and lexical choices and carry out demographic analysis of suicide notes. The primary data of forty suicide notes is collected from different session courts in the Greater Mumbai region. The notes have been anonymized to ensure privacy. An analytical model based on linguistic theories was prepared for syntactic analysis. The suicide victims exhibit certain syntactical choices under emotional load. The demographic outcomes will help to understand the problems faced by the urban population and will help the Government to recommend policies. The noted observations can be used for systematic analysis of suicide notes.

Last modified: 2025-03-01 12:54:12