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Doğu-Batı Çatışmasında İran ve Türk Kimliğinin Ortak ve Farklı Rolleri - The Common and Different Roles of the Iranian and Turkish Identity in Eastern-Western Conflict

Journal: Tarih ve Uygarlık İstanbul Dergisi (Vol.1, No. 1)

Publication Date:

Authors : ;

Page : 17-26

Keywords : East-Westconflict; Persia; Turkish identity;

Source : Download Find it from : Google Scholarexternal


In terms of Turkish social history the case of the settlement of Central Asia Turks is an indication of that the conflict of Iran-Turan and nomadic societies-settled societies were surpassed and Turks had a new role in the Eastern-Western conflict. The association and differences between Iran and Anatolian Turks emerged in the context of these new relations. The case of Turkization of Anatolia and the foundation of Ottomans points out that against the West Turks are the defenders of a new and a superior world policy beyond Iran and Arabic Caliphates

Last modified: 2013-06-20 00:04:21