Control of Body Sway Using Tactile Stimuli on the Body Trunk
Proceeding: The International Conference on Electronics and Software Science (ICESS2015)Publication Date: 2015-07-20
Authors : Ryo Hasegawa; Amir Maleki; Masafumi Uchida;
Page : 223-228
Keywords : Tactile sense; body Sway; apparent movement; vibrotactile; EM algorithm;
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In this research, we examined a technique in which the production of body sway in a desired direction was considered using a v ibro-tactile stimulator. It is necessary to create body sway in a specific direction t o assist in postural control. Therefore, this study aimed to introduce a device that creates spatio-temporal tactile stimulation patterns by altering the interval times between vibrations. We measured body sway caused by each stimulation using a high-speed camera, stabilometer, and acceleration sensor. We then analyzed the effects of each stimulation on body sway. As a result, this study suggests the optimal time duration and interval of stimulations for a specific direction.
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Last modified: 2015-07-26 22:34:20