Rara Mendut Dari Sastra Lisan Ke Sastra Tulis: Potret Perlawanan Terhadap Kekuasaan
Journal: Atavisme (Vol.17, No. 2)Publication Date: 2014-12-30
Authors : Trisna Kumala Satya Dewi;
Page : 218-231
Keywords : Rara Mendut; resistance; power; oral literature; written literature;
- Rara Mendut Dari Sastra Lisan Ke Sastra Tulis: Potret Perlawanan Terhadap Kekuasaan
- Wacana Ekonomi Kreatif (Refleksi Sastra Lisan dan Tulis di Bali)
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- Arok Dedes dan Pararaton: Transformasi Dan Dinamika Sastra dalam Wacana Globalisasi Sastra
- Sastra Lokal dan Industri Kreatif: Revitalisasi Sastra dan Budaya Using
Rara Mendut, whose theme is about love, government, and power, results in a text enjoyed by the society. This matter is proved by the existence of the response in various shapes, such as literary works, wayang orang (Javanese dance drama), cinemas, and the others. The novels Rara Mendut, Genduk Duku, and Lusi Lindri written by Y.B. Mangunwijaya have gained inspirations, either from oral or written literature (Pranacitra-Rara Mendut tale). Based on the structure of its tale, it could be said that there is an intertextual relation between Pranacita Rara Mendut tale and the trilogy of Rara Mendut, Genduk Duku, and Lusi Lindri novels. The existence of Y.B Mangunwijaya’s novel trilogy has a position essential enough as the proof of cultural relation or continuation, namely between ancient culture (Pranacitra tale) and present culture (Rara Mendut, Genduk Duku, and Lusi Lindri trilogy), that can be enjoyed by present generations.
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Last modified: 2016-01-24 22:41:00