Role of the modernisation factor in commercial development of Tobolsk province settlements at the turn of XIX-XX centuries
Journal: Studia Humanitatis (Vol.2016, No. 1)Publication Date: 2016-04-26
Authors : Valitov A.A.; Tomilov I.S.; Fedotova D.Y.;
Page : 1-1
Keywords : Tobolsk region; trade; market; means of communication; modernization; fair; industry; urbanization;
- Role of the modernisation factor in commercial development of Tobolsk province settlements at the turn of XIX-XX centuries
- Formation and development of primary education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for socially unadapted population at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries (on ma?terials of the Tobolsk province)
- Manufacturing and raw industry of Tobolsk province in the second half of XIX ? early XX centuries
- Marriages, fertility and mortality of the citizens of the Tobolsk Province in the 2nd half of the XIX ? early XX centuries
- Formation and development of zemstvo veterinary service at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries (according to the data of the Tula province)
Trade is a kind of practical exponent of effective economic development and reflection of its performance. On the basis of changes in the turnover, export and import, financial institutions, the number of wholesale and retail locations and some other indicators one can judge the rise or fall of agricultural and industrial characteristics and also assess the level of population welfare. This article attempted to review trading and market conditions in Tobolsk province at the turn of XIX ? XX centuries. This period is characterized by adoption of the modernization stage of social development that gave impetus to the economic development of both the whole country and its separate regions. Overall, the obtained results allow judging the nationwide impact of industrial growth on the development of the retail industry in the region under study in the investigated time frame.
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Last modified: 2016-05-04 08:57:25